
issue twelve: satyriasis.
february, twenty fourteen.

you know a lot of people say to me, i.t.a. when i think of you the first thing that comes to mind is unbridled passion and that my sisters is what satyriasis is all about. sure satyriasis is more on the male side, thick, straddling cock and all but we’re an equal opportunity publication at powder and therefore though it’s not on the cover, this issue is all about nymphomania as well.

frenzy, i can feel it right now in my nether regions, yet i can’t even work out what sort of genitalia i have. all i knows is that it is stiff, wet, erect and agape and if you were here honey, well i just knows you’d be able to stroke it.

but enough of my out of control desires and onto this powder and let me tell you what is out of control, the artwork of tomer hanuka. guess you’ve checked the cover shot, that’s an image from the back cover of de sade’s philosophy of the boudoir, which is a completely disturbing text that inspired powder from the start. so tomer, much respect…

it’s a frenzied issue i can tell you, i mean some of the shots from photographer jeroen bruggeman left me at attention.

and other moments from powder left me feeling like the hand of god was right on it and firm. i chatted with the godfather of stencil art bleck le rat, i kid you not. and speaking of gods, ella black, that seductress of the keyboard, relates a tale with one very big serpent in the goddess unveiled.

but it’s not all about uncontrollable passion, mike selick from the new york harm reduction educators gave us a real insight into the issues being faced by injecting drug users and sex workers on the streets of new york.

lmnopi thought-provoking street artist from brooklyn, gave me the lowdown on the occupy wall street movement, as she was an organiser back in the heyday, and on top of that her street art really is the bomb.

and we’ve got more in this powder issue. sarah maple, that controversial feminist artist from london really took me on a ride with her imagery and thoughts, whilst andrew lewis left me in convulsions not just with his graphic art but on what he had to say about it.

regular louise carter hits us with a very interesting article, can games by art?. she speaks with toybox labs about the evolution of gaming.

the one and only ms gina tron delivers another story of the bizarre with class clock party… love her.

on the streets artist ox takes us on a tour of his back alley works through sydney while emrah tümer shows us what he’s up to in turkey.

as always we’ve got fashion at powder mr newton’s shots capture what’s hot on the streets of new york and paris and lisa lindøe captures ephemeral beauty in oslo.

the macabre shots of ablackeye grace the pages from hong kong, ronykushita shows us the streets of banglaesh while andi singer takes us on a tour of bucharest.

karlina veras and nimmy joshi return from the past with some whimsical prose.

so that just leaves me with you honey. from here i can’t quite make out what's in your pants, whether it’s an inny or an outy but all I knows is that i wants you to bring it closer to me. come on, bring it close, up to my face. baby, there’s nothing more on this earth than you for me, not even powder. so when you get a moment ring my bell and i promise i’ll make it worth your while… weak in the knees and all.



